Monday, August 31, 2009

Good Morning

Today, unlike the other day i woke up earlier without an ALARM which is actually quite phenomenal. =P
a stupid dream made me awake, i actually slept at 4 in the morning and now is 7.30. darn thats not enough..

Anyway, i suddenly have an idea to shoot old people in the old folks' home. Maybe this raya holiday or if the time doesnt allow then it can only be done in november. i jot down here so i wont forget it.

enough said, hmmm..good morning anyone, have a nice day =)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Idea Crisisssss....

Idea is like shit in your stomach, you dont know when it wants to get out..
i need inspirationn..

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pecha Kucha

its been like forever i never update this blog i know.
So many things happened actually, got some interesting things happened but just too lazy to update the blog. pardon my laziness please.
ok, nvm. ill try to update more often by now.
school has just started this week, been given the modules. i guess it must be harder than last semester.die die.
anyway, today i went to the pecha kucha night, its a forum where designers are allow to explain themselves in 20 slide of pictures, 20 seconds for each slide. its quite interesting i guess, met some new people.
yey, we got few peoples name card.
here is where the event was held, urbanattic @ capsquare, its quite cozy there.
i really like this work of an artist named Bibichun, its a multiple exposed image of the moon in the city scene. awesomeness

random pics
had dinner at padi.

thats it for the post.
gotta do some name tag design first before i can get to the bed.